Circle of Partners

House of Startups 10 rue du Laboratoire, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Join us for a friendly afternoon geared towards boosting and supporting local solutions with social impact!

The Weekend of Solutions

Centre culturel Am Duerf 8 rue du Village, Junglinster, Luxembourg

Join us for this festival of hope, during which we will share examples of local projects and new initiatives in Luxembourg and at a global level. Come and see how powerful citizen engagement and local action can be. Local action, global impact!

Film evening : Outgrow the System

Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall 8 Rue de l'Auberge, Beaufort, Luxembourg

‘Change the system, not the climate’ is a common demand in the climate movement. But what kind of system do we really want? In the midst of humanity's worst crisis, […]

The Evening of ideas

Beim Gina 45 Rue de La Gare, Echternach, Luxembourg

Join us for a cozy evening at Beim Gina, in the centre of Echternach, to think about local challenges and […]

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